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Investor incentives

Uruguay has several incentives that are adapted to different types of activities, both industrial and commercial or services that want to be carried out in the country. Among the main incentive regimes available are those provided for by the Investment Law, free zones, the free port and airport regime, public-private partnership contracts, industrial parks and temporary admission.

Attractive Legal Framework

Foreign and local investors are treated on equal terms. No prior authorization or registration is required and there are no restrictions on the transfer of capital or profits. Investment projects may be eligible for IRAE exemptions up to 100% of the amount invested, and other taxes.

Temporary Admission

It allows companies to import raw materials and supplies without paying import taxes, as long as they are used to produce goods to be exported within a period of up to 18 months.

Free trade zone

Users of Free Zones are exempt from all taxes created or to be created in the future (except Social Security contributions).

Free Ports and Airports

Transit of merchandise without requiring authorizations or formal procedures. Within the ports, goods are exempt from any import tax or duty.